Ricardo Martinez | Illustrator, Creative Director.
Ricardo Martinez Ortega, born: 1956 Santiago, Chile of Spanish immigrant Parents. He moved to Spain (Madrid) with his family in May 1969. Ricardo began his professional career towards the end of the seventies. Soon he was creating illustrations for publications, advertising agencies, and comic books. In 1981 he moved to Miami, where he worked at an ad agency, conceptualizing ads for Seven Up , Dr.Pepper, and American Express, and movie posters.

While in Miami, Ricardo and his childhood friend Nacho created “Goomer”.

First in the Spanish daily “El Pais” and since1990 in “El Mundo”. In 1989, Ricardo returned to Madrid with his American wife to be a part of the founding group of the newspaper “El Mundo”.

He became the Assistant Managing Editor and headed the Art Department, supervising both illustration and graphics. In May of 1990, he began to publish editorial cartoons which he did with the writer and his business partner, Nacho. Nacho stopped working on the political cartoon in February of 2002. From then until now, Ricardo has been both the writer and artist for his regular political cartoon. Ricardo has won many awards,

His works have appeared in the Annual collections of The Society of Illustrators in New York, and in several collected works.

You can see more on his website, on Facebook
Check our page at: www.artpeople.net or artpeoplegallery.com . https://www.facebook.com/artpeople1 . https://www.instagram.com/artpeople_gallery/.
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